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iOS8.4 beta3发布 更新了什么

来源:本站整理时间:2015/5/12 8:51:52作者:GML点击: 0 评论:0

文章标签: ios8.4


苹果公司今天正式推送了iOS 8.4的第三个测试版本,版本号Build 12H4098c,该更新可以通过iOS软件更新功能获得。同时放出的还有Xcode 6.4 beta 3。

正如之前所提到的那样,苹果在iOS 8.4当中将为用户带来更优秀的音乐播放体验,这一点在最新的beta 3版本中继续得到体现。

在iOS8.4中,苹果新增了全新的音乐应用,采用全新设计,可直观地展示歌手图片和个性化播放列表。同时新版音乐App还提供一个mini播放器、重新设计的“正在播放”、全局搜索以及新UI的iTunes Radio。根据更新说明,iOS8.4 beta3修复了大量问题,音乐应用更加稳定,音乐应用中包含全新拨动开关,可以显示储存在设备上的音乐。


- 小幅优化了iPad和iPhone中的iTunes Radio用户界面;

- 更加突出本地音乐的切换;

- 音乐搜索历史中新加入过往的iTunes Radio搜索记录;

- 当你打开一首歌曲会弹出全新的“当前播放”窗口;

- 在“当前播放”窗口下点击“上一级”按钮时会触发新的动画效果;

- 新的离线音乐logo;

- Beta 2中的Trending Searches功能被取消。

有消息人士透露,苹果将在6月8日的全球开发者大会上宣布iOS 9和OS X 10.11,同时带来的还有基于Beats的音乐流媒体服务。


Apple has released the third beta version of iOS 8.4 for testing, arriving as build 12H4098c. The new release is available for both public beta testers and registered iOS developers, and runs on all iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models which support iOS 8.

The simplest way to download iOS 8.4 beta 3 is through the on-device Over the Air mechanism available from Software Update. The OTA update is fairly small. Users can also opt to download the release firmware for their appropriate device from the iOS Developer Center website.

It should be noted that iOS 8.4 for Public Beta users is versioned as Public Beta 2, whereas iOS 8.4 for developers is versioned as Beta 3, nonetheless, they are the same version and share the same build number.

iOS 8.4 seems primarily focused on a redesigned all-new Music app, which brings a new user interface and some new features to the media player on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The redesigned Music app is shown on an iPad in the video below, courtesy of MacRumors。





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